Saturday, May 2, 2009

which bear is loneliest??

i kind of feel sorry for polar bears. they must be so lonely. in documentaries, its so common to see them wandering across the vast expanse of an empty frozen wasteland, all by their lonesome. really, what is there to do up there? you can only play so many games of solitaire before you start to go a little crazy. then you move on to playing war by yourself, even taking on two different personalities for the two stacks of cards. you even find yourself rooting for one stack, regardless of the fact that you will always win in the end when you play yourself. or you could say you always lose, but if no one is around, then who's to know the truth. so you might as well win.

because of this seemingly loneliness, it makes me a little happier when i see polar bears playing with other polar bears. its like, against all odds, they happened to aimlessly wander into each other. finally, someone else to play cards with!

for those poor, deprived polar bears that never manage to wander into other polar bears, they must be willing to play with just about anyone else, just as long as they can finally have someone else to play with. i imagine they would be so overjoyed, that they would even forget to break out their mad card skills that they have undoubtedly honed over years of sitting in a barren wilderness all alone.

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