Saturday, July 18, 2009

cloud discrimination

something i think is somewhat interesting. we can look at clouds and say, "hey, that looks like a sheep! i see a sailboat (or a schooner)!see how the one cloud goes up and over like the sails and the other cloud wisps in below it. whoa, check it out, it's a dragon riding a giant bunny while juggling baby geese!" we can sit and stare at clouds for awhile and just enjoy thinking of what they look like. so how come no one ever looks at some random object and say, "whoa, look, it looks like a cloud! see, the fluff and the puff. spot on match!" it almost like we don't want to acknowledge the existence of clouds. we go through life trying to figure out what else they could be instead of simply recognize their being!

how can such a degrading, discriminatory act of prejudice continue to sustain itself in this the united states of america, land of the tolerant and home of the equal-opportunistic?! we waged a bloody war on our own soil to disallow the notion that some men are better than others, we allow foreign empires to launch missiles at us without taking action, we permit aliens to come into our country and work our jobs while not even speaking our native tongue! and yet, we cannot allow the simple clouds their easy-going existence without taking away their dignity and robbing them of their honor. not only do we steal the very beauty of their grace and form and attribute it to another creature or object, be we encourage our children to follow suit, without ever questioning the danger our deep-seated intolerance is posing to the very actions of the future. outrageous, i cry! a true atrocity that must garner immediate efforts towards reversal and reformation!

i hereby declare that i, for one, intend to do my part to rectify the situation, and the next time i see a unicorn on a dirtbike, i'm going to say, "wow, that looks just like a cloud!"

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